This is exciting! I am a Yummly Publisher! I started using a recipe site called Yummly. You may have noticed the YUM button on my posts along with pinterest G+ and twitter. I use Yummly myself to save recipes I like. With Yummly I can save recipes from any website and look them up quickly and easily.
I installed the Yummly bookmarklet on my browser. It took me about a minute to do. Now, if I see a recipe I want to save I click the Yum bookmarklet and it’s done! The recipe gets saved in my Yummly recipe box and I can put each recipe in as many catagories as I want! Once I started adding recipes and Yummly started learning what kind of foods I like it started giving me personalized recommendations too.
I also started my own jackieskitchn page on Yummly. If you “Yum” one of my recipes, it will end up on my publisher’s page and in the Yummly search results so that other people can find it. I hope you try the site out and love it as much as I do.
Happy Cooking!