Celebrating One Year With Jackieskitchn!

Celebrating One Year With Jackieskitchn!

Celebrating Jackieskitchn

Today we are celebrating our first year here at Jackieskitchn!  It’s definitely been a foodie year!

There have been so many things I’ve had to learn along the way. The easiest part was the actual cooking and baking. I’ve learned the hardest part about food blogging is the photography. Learning about lighting and props has been a challenge that I’m still working on. But honestly, the most difficult part has been trying to remember not to take a bite of something before I got the picture…

Sharing family recipes and traditions are my favorite things to blog about. Not only because I am able to share recipes but because I’ve become closer to family along the way. Sometimes to the point of exhausting siblings and cousins for advice but they continue to contribute! They are a huge part of Jackieskitchn and I am blessed with their help.

Discovering restaurants and traveling was the perfect addition to Jackieskitchn. I have been able to share reviews and recreate some of the wonderful meals I’ve found.

I’m looking forward to continuing our food journey together and seeing all the fabulous things we whip up!

Jackieskitchn Food Crew
A special thank you to my food crew for traveling with me, being my official food samplers and allowing me to photograph their food 🙂
Celebrating Jackieskitchn
Celebrating Our First Birthday! Cheers!          

Today is your day.
You’re off to Great Places!
You’re off and away!”
Dr. Seuss, Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

One Comment

  1. Happy Birthday Cousin! Always happy to be a part of Jackieskitchn!